Epilepsy and Driving | Frequently Asked Questions

It is important to consider driving laws in Michigan for people with epilepsy. Driving laws are in place to protect you as well as others on the road. This is because seizure-like activity behind the wheel can make a person lose control of their vehicle, leading to severe, sometimes deadly injury, to themselves and others. Driving laws are decided by the state you live in. 

  • What are Michigan Driver Licensing Laws? 

To be eligible for a Michigan driver’s license, you should submit a statement of physical history that includes EITHER: 

  • A certification that states your seizures are under control by treatment and any symptoms that can make operating a vehicle unsafe have been controlled for at least six months. 
  • A certification that states that you have not had a seizure in the last six months.
  • Can I drive a commercial vehicle such as a truck, taxi, or bus? 
  • A license for commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses, or taxis is issued if you have been seizure-free for a period of one year. This includes intrastate driving.  
  • Can I drive a school bus? 

In accordance with the Department of Education guidelines, you cannot work as a school bus driver if you have a diagnosis of epilepsy. Being seizure-free for a period of six months or one year DOES NOT apply to this rule. 

  • What do I use as an ID if my driver’s license gets suspended? 

You can apply for a Michigan Identification Card from the Michigan Department of State website for a fee of $10 (standard ID). Please visit this link: ttps://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1627_8668—,00.html 

  • Are doctors required to report my epilepsy diagnosis to authorities? 

No, doctors are not required to report your epilepsy diagnosis to the authorities. However, as the driver, you are required to submit period medical updates after initial licensing at the DMV. 

  • How can I reduce my risk of having seizures while driving? 

Take your anti-seizure medications regularly, as prescribed by your doctor. 

If you experience an aura, a warning that you associate with a seizure onset, immediately use that time window to safely park on the sides. 

References and helpful links: 

